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Our Publications

This section will provide publications and articles on issues of interest to our readers. We also welcome contributions in the forms of articles, case and legislative commentaries.

June 2024 Gallery - MTDC Road2Growth (R2G) Southern Region 2024
August 2023 Gallery - EPF Industrial Relations Law Conference 2023
November 2022 Malaysia's New Anti-Hopping Law to be put to test in upcoming GE15
September 2022 Article and Panel Discussion - “Plagiarism Violates Moral Rights”
August 2022 Cyber Security: A Legal Perspective on Ransomware Attacks
July 2022 Case Commentary: Raqeem Rizqin Enterprise & Yang Lain v Ketua Polis Negara & Satu Lagi [2019] 8 CLJ 41 (Federal Court, Putrajaya)
July 2022 Case Commentary: Lim Hui Jin v. CIMB Bank Bhd & Ors [2018] 8 CLJ 327 (Court of Appeal, Putrajaya)
August 2021 Gallery - Islamic Fintech, Insights and Solutions Book
April 2021 Lost In The Maze Of Tax Assesment: A Short Note
February 2021 Judicial Procedures in I-Fintech: The Malaysian Experience
February 2021 Digital Smart Contracts: Legal and Shari'ah Issues
January 2021 Proclamation of Emergency in Malaysia – a Primer
January 2021 General Overview of Venture Capital in Malaysia
August 2020 Much Ado About The Covid-19 Bill?
June 2020 A New Dawn in Corporate Malaysia - Ushering The Coming into Force of Corporate Liability
April 2020 Case Commentary: Affin Bank Bhd v. Abu Bakar Ismail
April 2020 Case Commentary: Ong Kim Chuan & Anor v. Lembaga Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja
April 2020 Constructive Dismissal in Malaysia : An Overview
April 2020 Case Commentary: CIMB Bank Bhd V. Sivadevi Sivalingam [2020] 2 CLJ 151 (Federal Court, Putrajaya)
April 2020 Trademarks Act 2019
August 2020 Much Ado About The Covid-19 Bill?
April 2020 Beyond The Frontier – A Guide to Managing General Meetings Amid Covid-19 Pandemic
April 2020 Understanding Employment Redundancy – A Guide for Employers
April 2020 Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan - Keingkaran dan Implikasi Undang-Undang
April 2020 Transaksi Penjualan Online Dalam Tempoh Covid-19 dan Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) & Tanggungjawab Penjual dan Hak-Hak Pembeli
April 2020 Retrenchment Due to Covid-19 Outbreak – A Painful Reality For Employers and Employees
April 2020 Employment related FAQs during the Movement Control Order (MCO)
March 2020 Pay Cut Or Deduction Of Wages During The COVID-19 Outbreak And Movement Control Order (MCO)
March 2020 Can A Force Majeure be Invoked Amid The COVID-19 Outbreak and Global Lockdown?
January 2020 Gallery - Recent Perspectives on the Law of Derivative Action in Malaysia: Derivative Action, Deadlock & the Wrongdoer Control Conundrum
December 2019 Gallery from 2018 - Seminar on Recent Developments on the Law of Derivative Action In Malaysia: Does the Majority Always Rule?
November 2019 There and Back Again - Perspectives on the Law of Derivative Action in Malaysia

Look through our List of Publications for more articles.

  1. General (13)
  2. COVID-19 & MCO (9)
  3. Competition Law (2)
  4. Islamic Banking and Finance (2)
  5. Funds and Asset Management (3)
  6. Intellectual Property Rights (5)
  7. Case Commentaries (8)
  8. External Publications (4)
  9. Gallery (5)
For further clarification of any of the above articles, please contact us at mail@azamlaw.com